Friday, July 31, 2009


my computer died after i came in from working yesterday. i couldn't connect my camera so i turned it off and turned it back on... except it didn't come back on... i frantically did all i could and then decided i needed a genius. so i went to the apple store and they not only told me i needed a new harddrive (which i was expecting from what i read online), they said theyd do it for free! and oh ya, they didn't carry the 80gb version any more would it be alright if the gave me a 120 GB hard drive? i calmly (ha!) said yes. they installed it and in the afternoon i went and picked it up. its loading my previous time machine back up as we speak (i'm on some other computer).

in terms of the battleship. some progress. you know, not much, just installed the motors and working on installing the rudder. little stuff.

hopefully i can write a full post from my computer after i'm done for the night. pictures hopefully.

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