Friday, June 19, 2009

gun prototype

hey guys,

major progress today. it didn't start out that way, again i went driving to find parts. i went to OSH (orchard supply hardware) and they didn't have much of what i needed. however, i didn't go anywhere else, i didn't wanna goose chase again.

so i went home and set to work doing what i could. i got some pipe connectors to secure the barrel of the gun. i also started assembling the plate that will hold the two fake barrels (since battlship turrets have 3 barrels and i only need one for the water gun). when that was done, i was discouraged with how much i got done. so i decided to improvise.

i drilled out the holes in the servo head so that the smallest screw i had (and OSh and Home depot carry) would fit. this turned out to work much better than i had thought it would. so i continued enlarging the holes such that i could connect to the servo. after about half an hour i had this.

the top brace you see came next. the gun barrel needs some way to connect with the servo and the best i could come up with (with what i had laying around) was this brace holding a connecter that the barrel (pipe) could screw into.

then i put the fake barrel assembly onto the real barrel connection and thats what you see below

its not by any means the final product, it may not even be the first draft, but its starting to look like a turret.

talk to you tomorrow or possibly later tonight if i keep going.

[this is the hose that i'll run from the pump to the turret and in through the barrel. i think i talked about this yesterday i just didn't get you a picture until now. ]

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