Tuesday, June 16, 2009


First GUN update:

the super soaker i ordered got in this evening. i have to wait until morning to try it out because its too dark but i'm excited. the difficulty of the gun, as you surely remember, is in the distance goal i set for such a small pump. where could i get the distance? when you don't know how to do something technologically, you look to what is working in the real world. SuperSoakers! I did some looking and found one that boasts 35 feet shot and i figure i can take it apart and reassemble the components in a smaller housing (not in a gun shape in other words). this might solve the shooting aspect of the GUN project leaving only the rotational and elevational turret control left to figure out.

however, daniel and i conceptually figured that out today. with two servo motors and a simple linkage that will be easier to build and photo than describe, i can achieve the controls I'm looking for. major headway!

here's a photo of the supersoaker still in one piece

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