Tuesday, August 11, 2009

drive system lessons p.2

well, those helped, but its still only at 'sorta works' not quite at 'works' yet.

so the grease solved the problem i had before that water got in the rudder tube. it also smoothed up the prop shaft in the assembly tube, meaning both screws turn better. it means the props move the boat slightly better. but only slightly. plus, it turns out the rudder doesn't rock. nope. in fact it kinda sucks. i have to offset it some to compensate for some inequality between the two motors/screws. for some reason, the boat naturally turns right, meaning the left motor is either stronger or the allignment is somehow off causing the turning. because of this, i set up the rudder a bit to the left (the tail of the rudder is on the side that the boat will turn).

on a plus note, i was able to go in a circle to the right (really easily) and to the left (rather slowly).

for tomorrow, i guess i need to figure out why its tending to the right and figure out why the screws are so ineffective at propelling the boat.

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