Saturday, August 15, 2009

what does it laquer?

hey, new follower (pushes us up to a monstrocious four),

today took a change of plans. instead of installing everything, i decided it was more important to go seal all the wood so it would be mostly waterproof for installation than to do it afterwards. i'm supposed to wait 24 hours for the second coat, but i decided 3 was enough... hehe... watever, its just the pump bases so its not critical. the top decks and sub decks i'm going to wait out the appropriate time and thats both because its way more important and i can afford to wait cause the soonest i'll need the decks will be tomorrow evening. so if i laquer them tomorrow morning, i'll be somewhat good.

funny story about the laquering, i did it and then had no thinner to get it off my hands. so i had to wait half an hour with sticky hands while my dad got some thinner.

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