Wednesday, August 12, 2009

gun check

man, i'm on a roll!!!!

gun system check:
i soldered together this 3 way parallel deans with a fuse and ... shoot! i forgot to put in the on/off switch. o well, i'll stick it in there later. dang. anyways, i soldered this whole guy after all the excitement from the drive testing.

because i had worked out how the system all fit together, i knew what to do.

then it was just a matter of alligatoring the components to their appropriate connection point, and turning the sucker on.

or so i thought. it wasn't that simple. i spent a good half an hour trying to figure out why nothing was working. well, thats not fair, the battle switch was switching, but the pump connected to it wasn't turning on. this turned out to be key though. eventually it dawned on me, the only thing that was running, was being powered by the RC reciever. that meant, the battery wasn't getting to the components. but i had the watts up in and it read that voltage was running. after a minute, i realized, you know what, maybe there needs to be a fuse in the fuse holder. ha, just you know, maybe.

once i popped in a fuse, the pumps sang!

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