Thursday, July 30, 2009

basic logic

hey guys. its starting to look like a boat! today i worked on the submerged pump like i talked about yesterday, glueing the cap and piping to the pump, simulating the installation on a piece of plastic so i didn't put a bad hole in the hull. its going to work nicely :)

i'm planning out the interior organization, finding where everything goes. picked up a PC circuit board housing that will work nicely as the radiobox because the tupperware i stole from my mom actually isn't desirable. (funny side note. i just realized the stealth theivery wasn't very secretive. my mom is reading the blog. so i tipped her off to my crime. oh well. i'm returning the tupperware so all ends well).

i'm also working on the circuitry for the pump. it turns out the fill switch is on when i want it to be off and off when i need it to be on. sucks. but i went to my dad and he suggested i use a SPDT (single pole double throw) relay. [big words present to impress] basically, what i've been assure it'll do is switch the switch so that it turns on when i want on and off when i want off. i just have to make it do that still. i've been sitting on the floor of the garage playing with the ohmmeter and alligator clips and it feels like physics lab all over again. except this time i have to make it work without D. Lawrence explaining things for an hour until i'm so bored i stop trying to understand and just brainlessly do e.x.a.c.t.l.y. w.h.a.t. h.e. s.a.y.s. without it actually making sense. this way is a lot more fun than that. its all logic switches and such (hence the title)

still waiting on the damn motor mount to come in. i'm going to be PISSED if it doesn't come in tomorrow. basically i'm hosed if it doesn't. no way around it.

oh, and i just learned one of the band members has offered me use of his machine shop and any material i might need from it. (CRAZY GOOGELY EYES AND MOUTH GAPING OPEN IN EXCITEMENT/DISBELIEF!) if only i had known about it sooner!

i'll post pictures later tonight after i'm done with stuff

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