Sunday, July 12, 2009

roller coasters run on the sea

Hey guys (maybe theres 2 of you now, maybe colin is out there??.... but probably not).

came away significantly discouraged after the launch yesterday at jacks. problem was the same as it was the first jack launch, same as the sagan launch, same as way back in the kiddy pool. the drive of the screw can't be sustained by the rinky dink rig i've put together. i guess i'm just recapping, so i'll skim over the possible courses of actions: rigid motor shaft. gear the motor. well theres a new one. change the screw pitch. my dad suggested this one to change the load on the motor and gear without actually gear the motor. nifty idea. i'm ordering a slew of 3 dollar screws to try all sorts of combinations. it'll mean i need to devise some test rig - i can't disassemble the entire boat and slip on a new screw 5 times. its a sure fire 15 minutes of switching for 30 seconds of testing. can't do that. i'll have to build a holder for it to run on in the water and keep the electronics dry. its an interesting and onetime job.

i contacted the hull building guy and i need to make a decision soon. it'll help that conferring with dad has led to me purchasing a little submersible pump that should function to keep the holding tank sufficiently filled so i can use a littler hull. hopefully i can find the balls (or more likely stupidity) to just go buy the hull and fully commit myself.

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