Tuesday, July 28, 2009

component fitting

still waiting on the second motor mount so i'm not ready to epoxy anything in yet. however, i'm fitting all the pieces with wood blocks and other plates so I can fix them on the hull. had to come up with a method to make the secondary pump sit SUBMERGED in water inside the hull while the rest of the inside is free of the H2O. tricky business. so theres that project, then i have to make the fill switch work in the tank to control the secondary pump. bit of a snag in the project, but not worth describing in too much detail. i just have to make the connections waterproof without much room to maneuver because its all on the inside of the tank. basically like the boat in a bottle project. then i work on the connections between pumps and tank. after that, i can hook it up to the wiring i've prepared and the pump/gun system is ready to go. after that i'll just be working on installation.

i'm gonna go back to it!

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