Saturday, July 25, 2009

holy toledo!

goodness gracious great balls of fire! this thing might actually work!

i am all but ready for installation of the drive train. now that i think about it, i flew through what i was terrified about for the whole project.

i drilled out the prop shaft holes today, and soldered the assembly tubes (the two scariest tasks because virtually any mistake would be fatal).

i found appropriate shimming for the motors such that they should sit in place well. i began soldering all the wiring for the drive system, still working on the Y wiring cause i'm not very good at keeping things compact and the heat shrink doesn't fit around the connection i made. have to go redo it tomorrow. but i'm almost totally finished with the drive equipment except installation! holy moly frijole! i still need to make a base for the radio and battery equipment, then hook it all up and find myself a lake! i may also go ahead and add foam to make sure it CANNOT sink. ya. prolly will do that first. but thats not sexy to talk about, so i'll skip over that bit.

from there, i figure out how to have a hole in the hull and not sink. not a big deal or anything.... thats for the refill pump. should take maybe a day or two. along the way i'll be installing the turret as well as the tank. (that dang piece that i've made 5 different times is halfway acceptable. i'll make version 5A tomorrow most likely) then i fit the deck, install it. then take everything apart to seal it (so its as waterproof as possible), possibly paint it, and then i'm ready to ride.

dare i say, "i can see the finish line"? maybe i'll wait till the boat drives before i say it. maybe...

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